During the remediation works, both PGA Members RICK MACLEAN and WAYNE DODD, will be conducting GOLF LESSONS in the INDOOR NET AREA and the outdoor short game area.
Golf lessons will be general technique/ long game and specialise in short game (chipping, pitching, bunker, and putting).
Golf lessons and clinics include:
Golf lesson options include:
All golf lessons require a booking.
Gift Vouchers are available for purchase, redeemable, and valid for 3 years after the purchase date.
Gift Vouchers are available in the form of golf lessons or an open dollar nominated amount (ie. $50, $100, $200).
Gift vouchers purchased for Golf Lessons will be able to be used for GENERAL TECHNIQUE/ LONG GAME and SHORT GAME LESSONS (chipping, pitching, bunker and putting) with PGA Members Rick MacLean or Wayne Dodd during the remediation duration.
Please see below for more information on GOLF LESSONS during the remediation period.
…all still at the BEST PRICES and with the best SERVICE in our region.
"*" indicates required fields
Newcastle Golf Practice Centre (NGPC) is Newcastle’s comprehensive golf driving range and practice facility. Open to the public and currently specialising in short-game and general technique.